Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well, my little boy is off!! I can not believe I put my son on a plane, to fly six thousand miles away all by himself.

They grow up so darn fast.
  It was an emotional morning as we sent Chris off to serve in the Joao Pessoa Brazil mission.  We could not be more proud of him.  I would have felt better though, if I could have flown to Brazil with him,you know, just to make sure he gets there safe and sound.  Today will be a very long day as I worry about him making connections, loosing luggage, meeting up with other Elders, eating, drinking enough fluids, not to mention he waited until 11:00 last night to tell me that he gets very painful headaches when he flies!! (he's killin me).  
Anyway, I am putting him in the Lord's hands and know that he will be just fine.  He is excited to be serving the Lord and Paul and I are excited to see him grow in the gospel.  Hopefully you will all stay tuned and on board for the ride....


kimpg3 said...

We are on board here in PG. We are going to miss him alot, but his is going to be an awesome missionary. He is a good kid (I mean man), and Brazil is lucky (blessed) to have him for two years. My thoughts and prayers are with Chris and all of you guys. Love you so much!!!

Wendy said...

I've been thinking of you all day! I am glad the Chris got on the plane ok ~ and that he's now in good hands. I LOVED his testimony on his blog -- I had to reach for the tissues . . .

I love you and your family so much! Our prayers are with you from here.

Anonymous said...

Well We are all on board in Las Vegas as well. I've been wandering how your doing today, mom said she hadn't heard anything so I thought well I'm just going to check on the blog. Thanks for the fill in! We will keep our thoughts on Chris' save arrival! This flight will be a journey all to it's self. He will make it there just fine and safe he is in the Lords hands and that's a great place to be!! We love you and pray you will be comforted in this time!!!! I love you sis!!

Jaime said...

I just tried calling you. I'll have to email for the right number. :) I hope you are doing okay. It would be so hard not even having the Provo MTC stay. But Chris is going to do awesome. His blog entry was incredible. What a great young man!

tammy said...

Leslie--I fully expect to blink twice, turn around, and see Return Missionary Chris somewhere up here in Utah County all glowy from his experience! Although I'm sure I'll need some help when it's my turn to fret as Spencer leaves!!

Lindsey Hansen said...

Wow I can't believe he is gone either! It's kind of hard going from talking to him almost everyday to NOTHING! ELDER Clark is going to do so great out there and you shouldn't be any prouder of him than you are! Stay in touch!

Lois said...

Of course we are on board. We are going to miss him so very much but we know that the Lord needs him and that he will touch may lives with his caring and loving personality. I know he will have much success and sow many good seeds. I was releaved when you heard they had arrived in Brazil safely after thier big delay. We love you Leslie and Paul and Justin and hope you will have the Lords strenght for these first few hard weeks as you and all of us ajust to him being gone. He will have many prayers on his behalf every day now. As you said hes in Gods hands now. Love, MOM

Spice said...

I'm so glad you are going first! Watching you send Chris out a few months ahead of me helps me deal so much better. You are doing so well.
Thanks for being a good example and going first!