Saturday, August 2, 2008


Well, I have finally made the "giant" leap into the blogging world.  It is all still very new and bit confusing, but I am going to give it my best.  
Today as many of you know is one of three remaining days for us to have Chris around, so teaching mom to blog was on his list of things to do... poor guy.  We just finished our lesson and he has set me loose to post my first post.  He said he was going to go take a nap(that tells you how exhausting my lesson must have been for him)!!   
Anyway, hopefully this will be a good way to stay in touch with all our family and friends, especially everyone back there in good 'ol Utah.  We miss you all and hope you will come visit us here in Flagstaff.


Shelby said...

WAHOOO!!! #1: I'm your first commenter EVER!!!
WAHOOO!!! #2: You have a blog!!!

I'm glad you finally made it over to the dark side....You will never regret all the time you waste, er...spend keeping up with all your loved ones lives. Seriously, it's fun and mostly wholesome, better than trying to find time to write a letter, and sometimes there's PRIZES!!!!

kimpg3 said...

Welcome to the blogging world my little wal-nut!!! I am so proud of you, it looks great!

Chris Clark said...

Well, the first is always the hardest, keep it up then you will be blogging in your sleep! Thanks for everything you do ma! Im gonna go out there and make you proud, i promise

Wendy said...

I'm so glad you are doing this! I'm thinking of you tons lately -- and Chris. Can't wait to hear more!!

Anonymous said...

Well sis it's about time you got on here. I can't believe Chris is headed out in one day for the mission field. He is going to be a great missionary! We wish we could be there to wish him good luck, but I know that he will have a lot of family and friends there to do it for us. Let him know that we will try really hard to write to him often. (emphasize on the really hard). I hope that you guys will be able to come and visit us here in the hot Vegas valley. I want to send you a lot of LOVE through this comment, because I know this next while is going to be hard, and you might just need a little extra love! I love you all and hope it all goes great! Can't wait to hear how it goes! Love Ya!!!!

Jaime said...

Yay, I'm glad you're blogging. :) I love your family picture.

Sidney said...

I too have been lured into the evil world of blogging. But as my mom has said, it is a blast! Can't wait to see you all again. Say hi to Justin for me. <3