Wednesday, November 26, 2008

21 YEARS~!

I am so Thankful for the past 21 years!!  
Just want Paul to know on this Thanksgiving/Anniversary day that I am grateful for him and there is nowhere I would rather be than right here with him.  The past 21 years have been awesome!  The years have flown by.  I hope we are blessed with many, many, many more years together.  Happy Anniversary Paul, I love you.


Shelby said...

Congratulations you two! I think you are blessed to have each other, also. I love you both and wish you guys a great Thanksgiving!

kellieanne said...

How awesome to reach that milestone! Marriage really has so many plus plus things to it. Congrats!

Chris Clark said...

happy late aniversary!!!! love you both more than ever!!!

Eu Te Amo!

Chris Clark said...

eu muito grato por um familia que é muito legal. eu sei que o Senhor Via continuar para abencoar nós muito! eu tenho muito animado por natal e por meu oportunidade para ligar vocês e falar mais sobre meu missão!!!

Bom Trabalho e vocês têm meu amor Sempre!!